the cries of their heart
every month or so, a bulletin goes around on myspace where you're supposed to include a secret of your own into the ongoing list. it's supposed to be anonymous and that's why kids feel free to write whatever they feel. some of them are typical and what you might expect from a teenager. for example; "i like so-and-so."
but some of them aren't what you might expect. here are a few:
here are the cries of some teenagers. i don't know who they are. but i could guess that these kids aren't abnormal. what i mean is that they aren't representing a small statistic when it comes to today's teenagers. i actually think they represent a large number. this sort of avenue gives them the opportunity to share a secret in a safe, anonymous place. these are the cries of their heart.I want to die! I hate my life! My grades suck, my love life sucks, my friends don't know or don't care, I wonder if they would miss me. I don't think so. I'm dead inside, just not out. That is the worst feeling ever! I want to douse myself in kerosene and burn myself into ashes! I cut a lot just to make myself feel better but it doesn't last. I wish I was dead. my life isn't worth it.
2 of my brothers have molested me.
ppl think im happy..but everyday i wonder about how nice it would be to be dead
I starve myself cause I think he will notice me once I am skinny.
i hate every inch of mei cut - i cry - i want the pain to stop
My rents don't care about me. Do yours?
added note: this type of method of sharing secrets isn't limited to teens. a very popular site is postsecret, where people of all ages share their inner most secrets. by reading the different posts found on this site, we realize that we all have more in common than we think. again, the secrets shared represent a larger statistic of the general public rather than a small one.
Pretty insightful.
Posted by
Steve |
11:26 PM
It's amazing what teenagers will say when they can let their guards down and speak their minds without any negative consequences. Anonymity is a great way to do that.
Posted by
thethinker |
4:24 PM
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